Easy ways to shop for healthful, cost-conscious foods

Three months into the year is a good time to recalculate if you’ve been slacking on your resolution to eat healthy. And if you’ll be leaving home base or school soon and foraging for yourself (plus or minus roommates), it’s a great time to learn about healthy, low-cost choices for your grocery list. The basics: […]

Immune boosts or busts? From IV drips and detoxes to superfoods

Ever see ads for products that promise to supercharge immunity? Activate your body’s natural defenses? Support a healthy immune system while delivering a potent boost derived from nature’s hottest immune-enhancing ingredients? While the words may change to reflect the latest trends, the claims certainly sound amazing. But do the multitude of products promoted as immune […]

When — and how — should you be screened for colon cancer?

Colon cancer is the second-deadliest form of cancer after lung cancer. If recent messages about colon cancer screening have left you a little confused, that's understandable. In August, the American College of Physicians (ACP) released updated guidance for colon cancer screening that differs from other major organizations, including recommendations from the American Cancer Society (ACS) […]

Will miscarriage care remain available?

When you first learned the facts about pregnancy — from a parent, perhaps, or a friend — you probably didn’t learn that up to one in three ends in a miscarriage. What causes miscarriage? How is it treated? And why is appropriate health care for miscarriage under scrutiny — and in some parts of the […]

The new RSV shot for babies: What parents need to know

RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, is a common virus that just causes cold symptoms for most people. But for very young babies, and for babies and young children with certain health problems, it can be very dangerous. A new immune-boosting therapy may help. What complications can RSV cause? RSV is the leading cause of bronchiolitis […]

7 organs or glands you may do just fine without

  There was a time when pediatricians routinely recommended tonsil removal, even for healthy children — including me. As far as I can tell, I suffered no ill effects — plus, I got extra ice cream! That practice is no longer routine. But it does raise an interesting question: Why do we have body parts […]

Got immunity? Thank your thymus

Quick, point to your thymus gland. If you pointed to the front of your upper chest, well done! The thymus gland sits just behind the upper part of the breastbone, between the tops of the lungs and in front of and above the heart. In newborns, the thymus gland may be 2.5 inches long and […]

Preventable liver disease is rising: What you eat — and avoid — counts

In today’s fast-paced world, our waking hours are filled with decisions — often surrounding what to eat. After a long day, dinner could well be fast food or takeout. While you may worry about the toll food choices take on your waistline or blood pressure, as a liver specialist, I also want to put fatty […]